Thursday, March 27, 2014

Hamlet/Trayvon Martin

We understand the Trayvon Martin case better because Hamlets motive is solely on revenge for his diseased father; supposedly poisoned by Claudius,( hamlets uncle). Claudius is also the king now that hamlets father is dead. Hamlet is outraged with all of the events that have occurred recently too. I believe he may be asserting dominance in the novel because he wants the crown. Just like with the Trayvon Martin case, George Zimmerman was asserting his dominance over a younger person.  Both George and hamlet are the instigators for the results that have or will occur.
president Obamas speech focused on the racial issues about the Trayvon Martin case and a lot of people believe that had to do with the cause of trayvon's death.  In the speech, Obama talked about events that have happened to him and others, of the same ethnicity, such as being pulled over more frequently and having people be nervous around them. He believed that education and more opportunities for the young African American population would help to solve the problem. In George Zimmerman's mind, he probably believed that he could take a young African American guy on, and so decided to scare Trayvon by following him in a car. George being the white man probably believed he could finagle his way out of a case like the one he's in because he would have all of the caucasians understand his side of the story.
hamlet is very much like Trayvon because in a scene of the book, he creates a play based on the killing of his father, Claudius, being the killer in the play. He says to his friends "The play's the thing,Wherein I'll catch the conscience of the king"(ii.2.450).  His goal in this scene is all about getting a reaction out of his uncle, so that he may blame his fathers death on him.  Hamlet is the instigator because he wants the crown, or it may only be for revenge. All I know is that after the scene took place, hamlet "found his proof"; his evidence to kill his uncle. Much like how George had evidence and reasoning to kill Trayvon...  The lead up to Trayvons death resembles that of Claudius' soon to be death because both killers believed they had every right to do so, due to self asserting dominance. George Zimmerman May have been acting like a tough man when he followed Trayvon in the car and this act of Zimmerman May have ticked off Trayvon.
arrogance had to play a role in the Trayvon Martin case because during the confrontation of the two, George probably did not like the fact that a young African American was trespassing unknowingly. Zimmerman probably believed it was a perfect time to start something with this young African American; much like what happens in hamlet, but the opposite in age, where hamlet is the one picking on Claudius.  When hamlet says, "but my uncle-father and aunt mother are deceived", it gives hamlet all the more reason to fix the problem"(ii.2.399). Which is killing his uncle Claudius.  I think people make the Trayvon Martin case more sensitive than it has to be. And maybe George wasn't thinking only about being a tough guy, but an arrogant man towered a sketchy young African American.
in the novel hamlet is portrayed as a man who may have gone crazy after finding out about his fathers death from the ghost spirit of his father. With not wearing shoes, to going off on his true love, Ophelia, hamlet really does seem to have lost his mind. I think this has a connection with belief that hamlet needs to take back what rightfully belonged to him.  Just like George Zimmerman, he probably believed he could assert his dominance over a young African American. in a way George Zimmerman wanted to take back what belonged to him, dignity and superiority over African Americans.
could we say that George Zimmerman was in his right mind, or did he shoot Trayvon just because he's black?, you tell me.